Subject Review : #Journalism
When I was first asked for a review about my deprartment all that came to my mind was, “all I have is negative”, “my review might have negativity more than any other”. But I am going to try and give you a total picture of this department in an unbiased way.
Most of us or many of us who decide to read in public sometimes don’t have any choices but to take a subject which he never imagined or wanted. My case isn’t that. I, on the other hand from the beginning knew that I wanted this department and I might get a chance there. I was sure to become a newsroom editor (a reporter before that). Wanted to have all those adventures. But beware if you have the chance to go to any other department and you are just confused about which department to choose in your viva or migration and just want to leave your current one. Read this before you make a decision.
#Advantages :
1. Session Jam: Journalism doesn’t have any session jam. The freshers won’t face any. The department tries to avoid session jam utmost. Except 13-4,12-13 session are 6 months delayed because of they couldn’t avoid it under some circumstances.
2. Friendly Faculties: I don’t know about any other departments but Journalism have the most friendly and helpful teachers (and sometimes I just feel so proud to belong in this department and showoff to other friends when their teachers treat them like broomstick,just kidding).
3. New Reign, New Rules: The department tries to bring good changes under different Chairmen. Hopefully you (students) will gey benefits too.
4. Job Sector: “Journalist” the word and the occupation is enough to address about its Job sector isn’t it? Journalists are meant to struggle. And the country’s current employment sector isn’t so rich either.
》Media houses never give any circular regarding any posts like banks and other multinational companies. They recruit in the most buttoned-up process. So if you are good with your pumps and oils (say “communication” skills in gentleman’s language) you can easily get things in your hands. Afterall the department’s name is ‘Communication and Journalism’ (and don’t make mistakes in your ‘facebook abouts’ when you get admitted here, the seniors can be quite irksome regarding it)
Talking about Communication and Journalism, the part “Communication” helps a lot in the recruitment of
》multinational companies, the subject has a demand (or that is what I heard, no idea upto what extent). Because CAJ students have a knack for making things more than what it is actually.
1. Attendance and fines: This department is notorious for its attendance and is its fine as (so called) 10,000- 8000 bdt as maximum fine.
2. Bangla is best: If you are an English medium or National Curriculum student, then this point is for you. The department as a whole doesn’t prefer to give the exam in English. But most of the teachers show they are supportive.
3. Grades: This department’s higest GPA record is 3.6 till now. When other universitys’ students of the same department is getting 3.8 as highest we struggle to get 3.5. Either the students are very dumb or the teachers have high expectations.
4. Practicals: As a journalism student and broadcasting ruling over the media, I was highly disappointed in its practicals. I heard the syllabus has changed from this year on. And the department decided to give a first hand experience of practicals from 2nd year which used to be given from 4th year. (If this turns out to be a yes, then this point will be in the Advantage section.)
Enough rant. All the best to you for your upcoming exam. Don’t get dishearten if you don’t get chance in this department maybe Allah has greater plans for you and saved you from a hell lot of misery. And welcome to the mad hole and CAJ family if you do.
Written by:
Fareha Meem Raisa
Journalism, CU